Monday, July 14, 2008

Why Vote Third Party?

Baldwin makes his argument for voting third party.


Howard Fisher said...

Believe me when I tell you I am tempted to go to their party. Perhaps something is different from when I last looked into this, but the Constitution Party's platform seems to put us back to the mindset prior to WWII. Isolationism and the attitude that we have to make the world like us by being nicer is naive at best...a third World War at worst.

It is quite a dilemma when you have people who understand the Constitution and wish to govern by it, and yet voting for them will only cause Obama to win.

Howard Fisher said...

I really think what must happen is that the Constitutional Party must pick a few districts in one state, spend lots of money and win big. Go county by county. This would begin to cause name recognition and cause people to consider them with more seriousness. Perhaps if they would do this, they could get more press.

With the Republican Party having destroyed Conservatism within her ranks, the Constitution Party could really capitalize this year. But it has got to be done locally. Nationally, McCain has got them beat.

Ed Groover said...

I read your article. And I agree with your assessment. I am somewhat ambivalent about our current foreign policy, though. This fetish for setting up "democracies" is a utopian errand, imo. If we can give them a republic, so much the better. But I don't think that can and should be the goal of our foreign policy.