Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Developing Routine in Your Life

For families with school aged children, this week marks the return to normality…or at least routine. Even though the thermometer says that it’s still summer, for all intents and purposes summer and its relaxed (?) schedule are over. Life will go back to its rhythm and schedule. Which isn’t to say that it won’t be busy or hectic. But vacation and leisure are put on hold for a while and our minds turn back to our work and responsibilities.

Routine has become my friend. In fact, without it, I would be less secure and more stressed. I would accomplish less. I would have less discretionary time. I would have more unfinished projects (than I already have!). Routine is a tool I use to help me order my life and fulfill the plan God has given me. Routine even allows me to see the Lord’s goodness. Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: Since God designs and orders life with appropriate cycles and changes, it is desirable that I will imitate Him in bringing order to the cycles of my life.

Spiritual routines can significantly impact your life. But to have any kind of routine, you must first make a few considered judgments…decisions you’ve made ahead of time. First, decide that the Lord Jesus deserves the first and best part of everything you have: time, talent, treasure, intellect, and emotion. And give it to Him. Second, decide that the long term and the eternal will not be sacrificed on the altar of the immediate and the urgent. Third, decide that the Lord’s Day, Sunday, belongs to the Lord. Fourth, decide that since the Lord Jesus thought the church was important enough to die for, you will love it and make it one of the top priorities of your life. And fifth, decide that your family (your spouse and children if you’re married, your parents and siblings if you’re single) takes priority over every other earthly relationship.

With those considered judgments made, you can settle into helpful spiritual routines.
1. Spend time with the Lord at a certain time every day.
2. Spend time with your family every day.
3. Spend time with your family in God’s Word and prayer every day.
4. Spend Sundays in the Lord’s House.
5. Invest your life in the work of the Word.
6. Invest in being equipped for your ministry by your pastor and other spiritual leaders in your church.
7. Invest the Lord’s tithe and your offerings in the work of your church.
8. Invest your time in attending and serving in the ministries of your church.

Spiritual routine leads to steady progress in the spiritual life. As you expose yourself to the Lord’s Word and His Work on a regular basis, He will change you and grow you. And what could be better than becoming what God meant for you to be?