Monday, July 14, 2008

Why Vote Third Party?

Baldwin makes his argument for voting third party.

Chuck Baldwin on the Issues

This video summarizes the positions of Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party nominee for President. Baldwin is a pastor in Pensacola, FL. Most liberty-minded Christians will feel a kinship to Baldwin and the Constitution Party. But, again, voting for a third party only tends to empower the major party that is less like your own political views.

Bob Barr is the Real Conservative in the Race

Barr is articulate and consistent in his positions. He is the only real conservative who is running in the general election. Unfortunately, his only real impact will be to deliver the presidency to Barack Obama. The bodes ill for court appointments, a fact that should give all liberty-minded Americans pause. A generation of work towards bringing the courts back in line will be lost. And for that we can blame the GOP Congress and President for the last eight years.