Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Testimony To God's Terrible and Wonderful Sovereignty

Patrick Hughes is a living example of God's terrible and wonderful sovereignty. This young man was born blind and crippled. Yet God gifted him with an amazing native musical talent. Watch the report on him and his dad.

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Sermons, MLK, Odds & Ends

The last two weeks worth of audio have been uploaded to my podcast. There's a player here on the blog that you can use to listen, if you like.

My message last night was on the Christian and racism. I don't think I "nailed" the subject. In fact, I just began to scratch the surface of it. But this has been a journey that started for me ten years or so ago. And it's one that has unfortunately not started for many white Christians. I've been particularly challenged by John Piper's writing on the subject and by his example. Even though most of us have not engaged in overt or conscious hatred of other ethnic groups, the very facts that we have eschewed much consideration of race relations in our churches and that we unconsciously and unwittingly consider "minorities" as other are damning indictments. May God give us the grace to live out our oneness with all our brothers in Christ. I include the link to MLK's Letter From A Birmingham Jail and a video of his I Have A Dream Speech below.

Also, I unashamedly borrow from Dan Phillips' blog the video of Wintley Phipps singing "Amazing Grace". What a blessing this man is to the Church!

Friday, January 08, 2010

Resolved: To Make An Impact For Christ This Year

I believe in evaluating myself and in setting goals. It’s a healthy practice everyone should cultivate from the beginning of adolescence until their last breath. The New Year is a traditional time to do this. Many people start the off the year with a set of resolutions. “I’m going to lose weight.” “I’m going to learn a new language.” “I’m going to manage my finances better.” All of those are good resolutions.

But what if your resolutions this year included things that were greater than that? What if your resolutions weren’t just about self-actualization and life enhancement? What if your resolutions were God-centered? Let me share three questions with you to get you started. And then let the Lord guide your thinking and praying as you resolve to serve Him this year.

1. How can I serve the family I live with so they will see God’s glory this year?
2. How can I serve through my church so that my brothers and sisters enjoy the presence of Christ and the Gospel advances in our community?
3. How can I surrender my will to God this year so that Christ’s glory blazes brightly to everyone around me?

Thursday, January 07, 2010

A Powerful, Poignant Pro-Life Video