Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Reflections on the Morning After

The results of the election are in.  Despite our fervent prayers, the presidential candidate who is most anti-Biblical values has won.  We now clearly see that the culture has passed the tipping point.  America is no longer a nation with a sufficient echo of real Christianity to stem the tide of evil.  We are losing the war for the culture.  But we have seen that coming.  Though hoping against hope, the impact of the church has been insufficient in the lives of men and women and young people in necessary numbers.
We have long ago diagnosed the disease.  It is a disease of the soul called sin.  America has slipped farther in its Romans 1 slide towards Gomorrah. But we have the civilization transforming power of the Gospel!  This dynamic, destiny-altering message is applied one soul at a time.  The path to saving America is saving souls!
Here are two implications that we take away from the situation on the ground today:
1.   For those who are disappointed and depressed about the battle for America:  shift your passion and your heart’s priority to extending the Kingdom!  While remaining a fervent patriot, your desire for America will be fulfilled when God’s Kingdom is ascendant in our country again.  Take the passion you feel for America and exchange it for a passion for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with this sin-sick, misguided generation.
2.  For those already desperate to see a great move of God:  Grab hold of God and refuse to let Him go until He pours out His Spirit in power like He did in days of old!  The ONLY hope for America is another Great Awakening.  We must beg the Father to send a great revival that will sweep up souls into His kingdom and that will turn His people to living holy lives of salty brightness.
God is still on the throne.  He is sovereign.  Trust Him to work even these election results for our good and His glory.  And join in continual prayer for our country and our leaders.  Kevin DeYoung expresses it best: 
“Our good, gracious, and sovereign God, we pray for the the President of the United States.

Grant him wisdom, courage, and integrity as a man and as a leader.

Keep him faithful, kind, and loving as a husband and father.

Give him a heart for the poor, concern for the powerless, and compassion for the weak.

Put before him the best information and the most intelligent counselors so he can make good decisions about economic policy and judicial appointments.

May he be guided by both courage and restraint as he commands our armed forces.

Make him a defender of the unborn, a protector of marriage, and a champion for religious liberty.

Make him a man of prayer and a daily student of the Scriptures.

Give him humility to admit his faults, forgive his enemies, and change his mind.

Lead him to a firm understanding of the truth of the gospel, a resolute commitment to obey the Word of God, and a passion to promote what accords with your truth.

By your grace, heavenly Father, may our President be a better man than so many expect and a better man than we deserve.

In the name of Jesus our Lord, let it be.”

Pray.  And pick up your trowel and sword.

Pastor Ed

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