Monday, May 29, 2006

A Place to Start

A place to start

So begins my modest foray into the world of blogging. If this goes like the rest of my life, these ponderings and perusings will come in spurts and floods. Of course it's my intention that they be regular. But more than likely the inspiration will come unevenly and so will the posts.

If I were to describe myself on the theological spectrum, I would choose the label "progressive fundamentalist". I'm a recovering legalist, purpose driven, do-it-the-hard-way Baptist. Now I'm just a progressive fundamental baptist seeking to be balanced and faithful in my understanding and preaching of the Word. If that makes perfect sense to you, you're better at peeling onion layers and reading tea leaves than I am!

If I were to describe myself politically, I would choose the label "conservative". I'm a limited-government, traditional family values, America first conservative. And that frankly means that I'm uncomfortable in the GOP right now because the Beltway Republicans are completely out of touch with me and my values. There are a few, like Sen. Tom Coburn, who still get it. But they are by far the minority.

Well, so goes the introductions. Welcome aboard. I look forward to our virtual walks together as we ponder and peruse faith and values as they relate to church and political life...and whatever other things come up on the radar.

1 comment:

Howard Fisher said...

"If that makes perfect sense to you, you're better at peeling onion layers and reading tea leaves than I am!"

You keep stating that you are seeking to be balanced. I fully understand (although I hardly think I can peel anything but potatoes). If you have wondered why I have moved into the "reformed" baptist camp, it is exactly for that reason.

If you have never listened to the White Horse Inn, this particular program on "guilt" (
=5/21/2006) is extremely good in maintaining balance.

I have truly come to believe that every Tradition has people going to extremes (RBs included). But when the reformed tradition is understood, I think it is the most consistent view of Scripture.

You truly seem to be one of the more gifted pastors I have personally met. Having your experiences in life to both ends has given you great insight.

Anyway, I look forward to your Bloggings.

God Bless