Monday, August 03, 2009

What Age for Marriage?

My friend Howard Fisher gives a "heads up" on his blog today on Albert Mohler's new article. The money quote from Mohler's article is:
The biblical case for early marriage is even stronger than Regnerus indicates. Our bodies are not evolutionary accidents, and God reveals his intention for humanity through the gifts of sexual maturation, fertility, and sexual desire. As men and women, we are made for marriage. As Christians, those not called to celibacy are called to demonstrate our discipleship through honoring the Creator's intention by directing sexual desire and reproductive capacity into a commitment to marriage. Marriage is the central crucible for accepting and fulfilling the adult responsibilities of work, parenthood, and the full acceptance of mature responsibilities.

Indeed, design reveals purpose. The fact is that young people value their freedom, independence, and opportunity for adventure more than they value obedience to the Lord in matters of sexual expression. Some delay marriage to get their education, and then to get established in their careers and finances. And their parents' generation has encouraged them to do so. And our pulpits have been silent, for the most part, in encouraging young people to marry. Mohler says:
The vast majority of Christians who have gone before us would surely be shocked by the very need for a case to be made for Christian adults to marry. While the New Testament clearly honors the gift of celibacy for the cause of the Gospel, the eight out of ten evangelical young people admitting to sexual intercourse before marriage are clearly making no claim to the gift of celibacy.

It is time for us to boldly teach our people to marry soon if they do not have the gift of celibacy.


As always, Dan Phillips discovered a cool video that he posts on his blog today. Enjoy!